The story of the Prophets Companions is a collection of stories of the companions of the prophet and apostles of various books stories of the companions of the Prophet from various reliable sources and complete. Companions of the Prophet amazing story and touching and full of wisdom and exemplary in his role models should be an example for his people.The story of the Prophets Companions application is very simple with offline access feature that allows you to read anywhere, anytime you have spare time. in addition it is equipped with a magnifying LETTERS for mempesar size for your writing that his eyesight has been somewhat reduced.Acts Companion of the Prophet in the form of mobile applications created to facilitate you in finding the stories of companions of the Prophet, by reading the story of companions of the prophet and apostles we expect to benefit and learn from individuals companions of the Prophet Muhammad, both in worship and muamalah their day -day.Do not forget to rate and review about the application story companions of the Prophet